Monday, April 22, 2013

Just a bit of everything.....

Heyyyy everyone!!!! :) I would like to start off by saying I am so grateful to those of you who are actually reading these posts. I honestly didn't think anyone would read this and would reach out to me in such a postitive way. To my friends and family reading and responding to this, thank you sooo much, words cannot describe how I feel. I love you and miss you much.

These past few days have with ups and downs but mostly trying to adjust to a lot of change and the situations going around the world. Have you ever felt that at times it's better to desensitize yourself from the news and grief than to be there and watch what's happening? I don't know about you, but I prefer not to know. I can take a few dosages but when the news is on 24/7, I can't take it anymore. There's just too much going on and then the fighting starts. It's an endless cycle. I won't get into it anymore but that's who I am.

Another semi-change is Spring! I cannot wait to feel the warm air coming! SWEDEN IS COOOOLD!! Here let me show you: 
Back in January!!! Cold!!!

It was great to be in snow but I'm from Miami and we aren't used to this stuff! My family is amazed I survived haha!! But now the snow is all gone and the temperature is in it's 50's....we're getting there.....slowly. But Sweden is beautiful! I cannot wait to have family over. Oh, talking about that, my father will be visiting for 2 weeks and I will get to see my aunt and uncle for 2 days! So happy. I'm smiling from ear to ear. 
Yup, just like this.

Now for food/ health stuff. I'm trying to take care of my body. It's not easy.....nooooooo. I live with meat eaters ( I don't judge, you do your thang) and always have back home in Miami. I'm just not into it as much. Yeah, a skirt steak, or how us Latinos call them, churrrrrrrassco, can look drool worthy but my stomach just can't take it. I tried again and nope, it doesn't sit well. So little by little I've been eliminating meat from my platter and replacing meat sourced protein with plant protein. 

WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?! YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO THAT?!?!?! Yes, yes you can! No I don't feel like I am lacking anything, I actually feel a lot better. Now, if I'm craving a piece of chicken or fish so bad, then yeah I will have a piece of whatever it is. And if I am going over someones house and they offer a cooked meal with meat, I won't be like "Oh, I can't eat your food because you put meat in it and since you don't have the same belief as me regarding to me, I will not eat your food". I wasn't raised to disrespect someones hospitality. If I did, ha! I'd get the know, the "wait until we get home" look hahahaha. 

Now you may be asking what do I use to replace my protein. I still eat eggs, nuts, quinoa, beans, chia seeds, hemp protein powder, rice, and much more. You have to learn to balance and do research, if not, you will find this difficult. 
Super simple and great tasting.

Enough about food for now. I will be showing more when I take more photos. Definitely slacking. Lately, I've been missing everyone soooo much. It's so crazy how life can throw you to different places and circumastances to strengthen you. Sometimes, becoming strong can lead to break downs, fear, doubt, and just wanting to go darn right back to where you lived. Life moves on for everyone, with or without you (cue to song by U2).

I believe that if I were single, I go crawling right back but I'm not. I have responsibilites and I am not a CHICKEN!!! Ha ha. But in all honesty, moving away from everything/everyone you know, is one of the biggest challenges I have yet to come to terms with. I need to walk around focused like a HORSE! 
This picture cracked me up!!!!

I need to stay focused and hopeful that this transition will change the way I am from the inside out. I remember when Kenny and I had a deep conversation with one of our friends....psst Joel. I won't get to specific about our conversation due to privacy, but just being open about our fears to him helped us so much. Friends needs encouragement no matter what course people take. As long as it's a positive change for each person involved, then help them along the way.
My husband, myself and Joel!! Missing Renata <3

Anyway, as you can see, I had a lot of things in my mind and purged it all into this wonderful blog. It's like this: 

Ok enough, love you all.




  1. I didn't know you had writing skills! I love your upbeat, keep it flowing style!

    1. Hahah thanks Marie! I'm glad you think I have some skills ;) I am just writing what comes to my mind and heart.

  2. I've found my stomach doesn't agree with meat as much as it used to. Guess I'm getting old :P. I like turning to beans for protein, especially lentils. They are delicious and contain loads of iron which women typically need. And you know the old saying, "Beans, beans, they're good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you...want beans!" ;) Missing you!

  3. Funny how our bodies change. Ha ha ay Arlene you're not getting old, your body probably just wants something better. Que comica! I thought you were going to say something else after the beans. I've never heard of that phrase but I will keep it in mind. Miss you too.

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