This sudden FEAR of flying didn't start as a child. I flew when I was younger all the time but with upcoming movies with planes crashing and Denzel Washington flying upside down, this sister right here, is freaked out by flying. I have heard that car crashes are more common that airplane crashes, but does that help to hear it, eeeeh noooo. Haha. Nevertheless, as I think of all my family and friends and the grace of God, I depend on that flight to reach me to my loved ones & back. Getting on that plane doesn't mean I will not be fearful of them, I still will be, still I will hand over that fear to God. I will haunt that pilot until we land and gracefully thank him for landing me safely. *wink*
Beside my flight paranoia, have you ever been afraid of cutting your hair, asking someone to marry you, going out into the public and speaking, going to funeral, driving a car, moving 400 miles away, moving thousands of miles away, making love to your spouse, have you ever been so scared that you felt like there aren't answers or cures? Let me tell you, that the one and only person who was able to help me through my fears was Jesus Christ. My fears are not just about flying, but about not being the wife God created me to be, losing a loved one, moving to Sweden, and our life in Sweden, dying, etc. Before I became a Christian again, I feared being caught for my lies, being alone, feared that I was the reason for so many wrong things happening ,I feared a man's anger, I feared for my life. My fears kept me from sleeping, also I actually became really jittery that I didn't eat for a while. It stopped and paralyzed me from my dreams. I remember the day that I had asked my sister for the address to Calvary Fellowship. Fear didn't want me to go to church, fear wanted me to stay at home freaking out, however, I got the courage to go. And boy, did my experience change. I felt a huge weight of fear leave my body as I decided to accept God back into my life. This whole time, I knew that my fear wasn't mine to carry but His. He loves me so much that He gave His only son Jesus Christ and die for my sins!
I also discovered that fear comes from the Enemy. He sits waiting for the next prey to fill lies and fear into. But as children of God, we have the power from the Holy Spirit to rebuke fear and lies from our path so that we can trust God with all we have. There are promotions that people have rejected because of fear, marriages that have gone sour because of fear of moving up to the next stage, fear of having a baby, lies made up to cover fear, whatever your fear is today, I am asking you, Is it really worth living in fear than giving it to God and having Him deal with your situations?
If you are living a life of fear or confusion, I pray that you remember Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans for hope and a future." I pray that you give Him a chance. Your life will never be the same ;)
God Bless,